1.a. Opening

My leg feels cold, but the warm blanket that always accompanies me spreads warmth. My eyes are heavy, and as they open, my entire body starts aching. Oh my, "what is this?". The sun has already risen, and the candle is lit. G.pa might have cooked something... Ah, morning has come. "G.p! Do you want to stare at nothing together today?". Sands are flying outside, and the window is partly shaking; it's going to be hot again today... I woke up, stretched, and found my arm muscles aching. "Exercise! Exercise!", reminding myself. "G.pa went out early again?".

This is Enif, an adopted son of a hermit; the village calls the old man "Dank, Bruh." Oh yeah, Enif lives in a hut for decades, and unlike other dudes on the Bruh planet, they are very frugal, but their neighbors appreciate their presence. Last week, Dank often told Enif about a household dispute, and Enif was later found walking their kids with a smile and listening to their jokes.

A few days later, Enif is confused as his g.p. hasn't come back. "It's my birthday tomorrow! And g.p kept saying I was ready for the new year! Where are you, old man? Seems you need another smack."

Enif circled the villages the following morning but found no clue about his grandfather's whereabouts. "Happy birthday, Enif!" the kids exclaimed as they jumped to hug him. "Did you find your grandfather?" a kind farmer woman asked. "No... I am quite worried," he replied, looking downcast. "Well, while you wait for him, here's a birthday present for you – our fresh spinach," she offered. "Thank you, we barely have any vegetables at home," Enif replied gratefully. "Enif, can we go find rabbits tomorrow?" another kid begged. "Sure!" Returning home feeling sad after celebrating his birthday with his kind neighbors, Enif tidied up the hut. For the first time, he opened his grandfather's closet and found a tumbler etched with some sort of map and a date – today."What on earth is this?", "the hole?", "that hole!" I am sure this map points to that hole.

Enif left the house with the tumbler, racing to a cave with a bottomless hole. As he got closer, the tumbler was pulled toward the hole, and he stumbled, falling into smooth, sliding mud. He felt a little pain, probably a scar, which was covered with an unknown sticky liquid. Enif shook his hand, attempting to clean his arm and leg, but instead, he felt the thick soil staining his skin more. "Uh, why am I here? This is a joke," he muttered to himself. But then his g.pa flashed in his mind, and he told himself, "Accept it. I chose to be here." As he walked further, some rays started filling the air. "What a gorgeous scene in the dark," he whispered as he walked on his toes up. "Oh my..", speechless he was, a cave full of giant diamonds, with low light coming from afar. "How come the village doesn't know there's such a massive deposit next to us." The Tumbler was pulled again and flew all the way to the light source ahead. Startled, he ran and gazed at a shiny light, so bright, but small.

As his retina cone adjusted, Enif found his tumbler, laying on a platform, with a hole in the middle, so clean, so round, and in front of him, there is a slate with tumbler like image, inscribed, "TumBruh".

"Is this a tumbler holder? Let's try. How did g.pa find all these? He missed my birthday party!". As he put the tumbler in, light radiates and erased the engraving on its exterior. "Huh! What happens?", he screamed, "g.pa! I found it! I won!"... It was silent, but a small dim light comes forward. Enif questions, "is that you?"

A huge laser came, so bright, and almost hit Enif; he danced his way from the laser and screamed "Help!", "Stop!", "It's me!" As he ran off the platform, he realized the laser was still coming brightly but aimed at the tumbler, not him.

Slowly pacing to avoid becoming a target, he rolled and locked his eyes at a weird little creature. "A cowboy?", intrigued, he forgot that he was afraid, "What are you?" He is looking at a yellow droplet wearing cowboy pants and a shiny cowboy hat that rotates like a planet. The laser came out of its tail, and it continued etching the tumbler. "You are not trying to hit me, are you?". "I am Enif, looking for my grandpa. Somehow the tumbler he owned led me here. Do you know Dank, Bruh?" the creature laser points at the Tumbler twice, screaming "gen gen". Enif replied, "you want me to look at the Tumbler?" it nods, but soon fires a laser and burns his jacket. "Please, stop it!" moving backward scared. "Hi", "Hi" it shouted, and his cute-looking smiley eyes appeared.

"You can say 'hi'? My name is Enif”. Nodding rapidly, the droplet-like slime dances on his bubbly tiny shoes.

Enif approaches the Tumbler by circling the mini monster, afraid to be shot. He saw Tumbler now has a weird but clean map-like roads and the word TumBruh on it. Enif asks, "did Dank, Bruh come and ask you to do this?" "Where is he?" The creature gets closer, and murmurs "gen gen" again. "Gen Gen"? "Hi Hi"? Is that all you can say? All right, GenHi, can you help me find my g.pa? GenHi jumped onto his shoulder, and “gen gen”, it shouts, points a laser at the exit route. Enif crumbled, afraid getting a monster on his shoulder, "get off me!" ,"no!!!". But GenHi stayed silent, smiling with a bend its liquid-like face with an adorable smile.

There Enif realized, there is a word H, on its belt, and its hat is not a hat, it spins like a plasma, and there is one sphere inside flying in the middle, and another smaller one revolves around the edge. That's the source of the dimmed light, and it seems like it was using its small tail to shoot laser around. "Okay... I know what it is at least, and he stages himself like a king on my shoulder, but doesn't seem to show hostility. Was it mad earlier? or it is its personality?”

Inhaling the rocky air, he said, "all right, it seems like you want to help me out", picking up the TumBruh, "but I fell here, is there a way out". "gen gen", GenHi fires a huge beam that made a new path on another side. "Wow.... I can't believe this, you are like the sun, you can burn anything". "Hi", "Hi". Walking out Enif saw the dark blue sky and went out. "Thank you, GenHi, we are out!" Looking around..., startled, shocked, he screamed "THIS IS MY HUT!!!!" Your beam destroyed my house!!!! "Hi Hi", GenHi smiles and swings its small feet like a doll. The pillow he spent his entire life on is torn into pieces. The wall with his childhood drawings is now black, the pot his grandfather gave him has cracks, and the seashells he collected with neighbors are now ashes.

Enif calmed himself, found some remaining clothes, carried a picture of his g.pa behind his back, and asked GenHi to join him to sleep under a big tree in silence. GenHi tried to meet Enif's gaze, but it couldn’t, so it let its eyes disappear until dawn arrived. Enif, known for a funny white horizontal bang on his forehead he called his "curtain," sat down, laid on the large tree roots, and uttered in a low voice, "curtain down." The curtain fell down and covered his face until about his nose like a bang, and shortly after, tears dropped, without anyone knowing.

1.b Be unprepared

Boing, boing, Enif pressed GenHi like a bobblehead. "Wake up," with his forced smile, he said. GenHi formed its eyes in the gel-like body, locking its gaze at Enif. Enif stretched as the sun showed up. "I lost my house, and hopefully, g.pa won't get upset about it. Somehow, I felt he set this up himself. This morning, I wondered if it is appropriate for me to leave the village to Yzel to find the meaning of your TumBruh. I want to know what my g.pa meant when he said I was ready. Are you coming with me?" GenHi didn't move a bit, tilting its upper body, feeling confused. Their eyes met for 5 seconds, and Enif asked, "You don't want to? Alright, I am telling neighbors I am leaving. Hope to see you again in the cave when I come back."

Enif left, told the neighbors about the house, and the villagers went over to the site and started offering their place for Enif to sleep and manpower to search for g.pa. He said, "G.pa and I know how to let go, while I appreciate everyone's care, no one here needs to help me find DankBruh. I've let my mind work on its overnight, and I trust my gut feeling that he went somewhere for something important, and I am somehow related to his disappearance. So, I've decided to find him myself and help him if he needs me." A kid shouted, "Where are you going to find him? Yzel? Perhaps come back if you don't find him there. You don't have money or even water to live with. Come to our house tonight, alright! We have a few extra rooms." He then took his belongings and left for Yzel. After a couple of steps, he ran while grinning and looking back, saying, "Tell all the 11 households in the village that I left something at all their houses this morning." An elder, Mize, shockingly whispered, "How did he even have time to come to our houses? Was he not able to sleep last night? Did he leave veggies or something?"

After making everyone confused and leaving so fast, he started singing and plucking leaves from bushes on his way to Yzel. "I haven't been there for ages, wondering if g.pa bud Hano's doing fine." Enif realized that he started sweating and being alone without water or food was not helpful. The TumBruh is without water. "I should have asked for water; I forgot this TumBruh is a tumbler," murmuring to himself, realizing "better get to the city before evening." So, he walks fast down the hill and is shocked by a few big scorpions approaching. Trying to avoid them, he jumped but hit the soft soil and fell into the mud. Couldn't believe what has just happened to him, he stares at the sky. "I didn't ask for these calamities over and over again. Why do I have such terrible luck? What a day, dammit!" A little light comes from the trail, shining like a blue firefly; it was GenHi. Silent, without a smile, its look at Enif annoys him. "Are you coming to burn the bush or mess up with my life again?" Enif stood up and started walking like a leper; he single-mindedly looked at the city from far away, walking consistently while realizing GenHi following him from behind without saying anything.

The mud makes the sandal stickier as it touches the ground for each step. They also jump off his sandals as he walks up to his gown. Fortunately, he is not disgusted by them and just hopes he arrives at the city faster. There is a little pond in the middle of the dry area; the water is crystal clear, but as he gets closer, thinking of getting a sip, he realizes the mud on him has touched the water, and the dark color spreads slowly; the pond is now a bit gray. He dared not hydrate himself. Trying to avoid being seen, Enif leaves quickly and finally makes it to the city gate.

Yzel is a village of giant bruhs; their skins are thicker than humans, a bit reddish, and they have small but wide eyes. When Enif enters the city, he can't find any stores open despite it being early. A lot of bruhs are lying on shiny beds all over the open space; they are sleeping. The guard posts are quite empty, the central market area is dead, and some buildings are dusted, looking unoccupied. One thing for sure, the sunlight is hot. Realizing the problem he might be in, he quickly approaches one of the guards asking what's going on. The guard wearing a sleeveless replies: "Not much, is anything wrong?" Enif continues: "Where is everyone? Why are beds everywhere? It was crowded 5 years ago." "Who, bruh, are you?" "Enif, one aspired to be the finest bruh." The guard laughs in tickle, "What on bruh, bruhh! The dirtiest, you mean? Do you live in mud?" "Shut the bruh up! Won't you answer my question? Then I am off, dang it."

Thirst was great, and Enif knocked on any doors for water. Getting kicked out and ignored, he thinks of returning to the village or risking getting dehydrated. Embarrassed at the thought that the neighbors might smirk upon his return, he keeps knocking on more doors. But the night comes, and no one gives him water. He sits down, peeling the dried mud off his gown and skin. He forgets he hasn't had anything the whole day, fatigued, dirty, and oily; he puts his head on a rock outside the town, trying to sleep through the painful night. Meanwhile, GenHi comes again and sits beside him as if nothing happened.

A Yzel lady nearby sees him there, fearing GenHi and getting robbed, she shuts her door and hides. The next morning, she looks through the keyhole and sees Enif falling from the rock, holding the pain in his dry mouth. Seeing how dirty he is, she leaves a bucket of water beside him. As she returns to her house, she sees GenHi. After a 2-second shocking stillness, she runs back in and screams. Enif awakens and sees the bucket of water. He immediately cleans himself, undresses, and pours the water to clean his clothing behind a bush, leaving half a bucket to quench his extreme thirst. GenHi suddenly jumps onto the bucket rim, and the balls on his shiny hat start revolving fast; its tail points at a flying pigeon above them, laser and burns the bird, then points at the water and Gen Gen, GenHi dips a small rock into the bucket and fires it with its laser. Enif runs away to a chicken field naked and hides among the chickens, scared of getting burnt. The light doesn't last a few seconds, and Hi Hi, it calls Enif to come.

Seeing a bright light from the window, the lady goes outside with a broom to cast him out of the chicken herd. In deep confusion, she cannot open her mouth. She notices Enif's wet cloth lying on the rock, a naked bruh, a small alien, and the water she brought boiling. She walks back to her house, even more scared.

It's not like Enif understands what's happening either; he later realizes the water is boiling and looks at GenHi straight in the eye. He pours the hot water onto the cloth a bit, splashes more on his own body, eats the bird, and drinks the rest as the little rock cools down. Enif looks at GenHi's feet and slowly thanks it if it tries to help him. Enif sits there for a bit and waits until the gown dries, then knocks on the lady's house to apologize and thank her for the water. "Thank you so much for the water you gave me; sorry that you have to observe an indecent scene. My name is Enif," she replies: "What is that monster?" GenHi smiles, and Enif tries to calm the situation: "I just met GenHi 2 days ago, not sure what sort of creature he is, but he seems to be firing a laser off his tail as he pleases. GenHi somehow keeps following me here, but he has just helped me make a meal and clean me up; for the very first time, I feel he is not hostile. I am not quite sure how to digest the situation either." "My name is Milo; I hope you don't get sick from the weather. Do you want to have something more to eat? As long as GenHi isn't hurting me, you can rest here for a bit before continuing your journey."

Appreciating the offer, he stays for a few hours and has a lovely meal. During which, he asks Milo what happened to the people of Yzel. It turns out that it has been about a year since a business lady appeared in one of the small alleys selling a cold rock to help with the heat. Since then, many bruhs have wasted time sleeping on it to combat the heat, but somehow, stores are closing down one by one. The elder has been trying to fix the situation but has been failing. Enif interrupts her, "Elder Hano?" "Oh, you know him? Why don't you go there and ask yourself; I am sure he is available."

1.c Another creature

Milo attempted to engage with GenHi, but it did not appear to respond well to what she was saying; 30 seconds was enough to make her give up. He grabbed his Tumbruh and asked Milo if she was okay with sharing some water from the jug before leaving. Milo took the tumbruh, "What is this map? It looks so neat and well-made, is it the village?" Enif shook his head, attempting to explain the situation. Milo felt she had seen this unusually shaped cup before, but she couldn't recall the circumstances. After a brief conversation, Enif promised to repay her kindness when he had the opportunity, and then left with GenHi to seek an audience with Bruh Hano. As he reentered the city, GenHi began tailing him from behind. Enif realized GenHi didn't require attention or assistance. "You are too self-sufficient, huh?"

The guard at the city gate saw Enif approaching and giggled without saying anything. But Enif smiled back with a semi-flat face and looked him in the eyes, "Where can I find Bruh Hano?" The guard burst out laughing and said, "Little bruh, try applying for a job at the city construction, and perhaps after a few years, the leader will bump into you." "But where is he?" Enif insisted. "I don't know, he is not my child, and he is busy with his work." Enif entered the gate, approached the pyramid-shaped city hall, and asked other guards, but no one gave him any information. "What am I supposed to do? Should I just skip Bruh Hano and find G.P. somewhere else?" Thinking back to where G.P. was managed to bring him to meet Bruh Hano in the past, but he couldn't remember the details.

He wandered around the marketplace aimlessly, unsure of what to do. When Enif saw some faces that had rejected him the day before, he distracted himself by window shopping. There was one shop that stood out: a crystal-like structure with tons of Yzel bruhs carrying semi-transparent mattresses. A young girl was busy bargaining with bruhs alone; the store was massive and packed with mattresses. "Hey there, bruh, what's up? Are you buying one today?" the girl asked Enif. Enif asked, "What are these?" The girl responded, "Are you not from around here?" If you're not interested in purchasing, leave my store." Enif remained quiet and replied, "I just want to know what it is, I am confused seeing these shiny looking beds in the open space." "Oh my, it's super hot out here, and I am helping everyone to feel a bit of relief. These mattresses are my finest product; their base goes down below the soil to keep the bed cold even during the peak heat. If you can't stand the weather, just get one; I might give you a special discount." Enif was surprised, "Wow! I wish I had this back at the village. How about those keys on your neck?" Agitated, she told Enif to mind his own business. "I am busy!"

There was a map store nearby, and the employees and merchant were all dressed in purple. They were selling maps from all over the world. Enif thought this was his best shot, so he grabbed the tumbruh and asked the merchant if he knew anything about the map engraved on it. The merchant smiled and said, "We map sellers know the world, but we don't share information for free." Enif didn't bring any vD, the country's currency, so he inquired if there was anything else he could trade or do to obtain the information. One of the employees noticed his naivety and whispered to the owner. The owner revealed that they had forgotten to pick up the keys to their silos on the other side of town, which had been placed in their home. So they gave Enif the direction and asked him to return it. The deal has been made.

Enif walked all the way to the other side of town and found the locations exactly as described. When he entered the house, he noticed a lot of boxes, but everything was clean and smelled good. He searched the house and discovered two separate keys on a shelf. "One of these keys looks so familiar." He dashed back to the merchant and handed him the key. However, the team closed the shop and proceeded to the back of the mattress store. Enif had not realized it, but he hadn't seen GenHi since questioning the guards at City Hall. He felt compelled to seek it out first, so that GenHi could hear what these people had to say. However, the merchant refused to wait for him, so Enif proceeded alone. Apparently, one of the keys has a number engraved on it, and the owner searches for a hut with that number, opens the door, and gives Enif a shiny mattress. "What is this for?" he inquired, to which the owner pointed to the mattress as payment. "But I never asked for payment; I just want you to tell me anything you know about the map I showed you!" The workers with bulky bodies kicked Enif out.

He felt cheated and annoyed, but the sun had already set in the west, and he had no idea where he would spend the night. There were a couple of abandoned huts near where he picked up the keys, so he went back there to see if he could make it through the day. He thought, "Why is everything so annoying? I can't just ask people for information; everything becomes unnecessarily complicated." The girl from the large store passed him as he was lying down and was running quickly. Shortly after, she screamed erratically behind a structure close to where Enif was staying. He got up and saw the merchant and workers bullying her, and she became enraged, demanding that they return the key and her belongings.

When Enif discovered all of these lies, he came to her rescue and demanded that they return the key. The girl became confused and began calling Enif the true thief. Enif apologized as she attempted to force the bruhs in purple to release her hand. However, the workers kicked Enif, beat him up, and slapped her as well. The merchant looked at the girl and said, "Mondy, you've destroyed everyone's life here and grabbed the proceeds only for yourself. At least you can share these insane profits of yours with us." "Mondy," cried back, "they are mine! You thief! You will pay for it." Now Mondy was loud, so they covered her mouth with some grasses and tied her inside the hut. When Enif saw this, she got up and tried to release her again, so one of the workers grabbed a knife and attempted to stab Enif. He was scared and curled up on the floor, but then the mini hero appeared. GenHi jumped from a roof onto Enif's shoulder and fired lasers at all of the workers' clothes, causing them to catch fire. When the merchant saw this, he tore everyone's clothes, poured sand to extinguish the fire, and fled.

GenHi went inside the hut and burned the rope that held Mondy. The sky had darkened, and they had no words for one another. Enif took courage, saying, "I am so sorry; I had no idea those keys were yours. I just did someone a favor... Is Mondy your name?" Mondy was in tears, sobbing nonstop, but she nodded and thanked him. Enif looked at GenHi and thanked it as well, noting that GenHi's presence did not appear to bother Mondy. They both sat next to Mondy, waiting for the sobbing to stop, but after 15 minutes, she continued. GenHi then decided to sleep, but Enif poked Mondy, saying, "We should report this to the guard... Are you in pain?" She replied, "A little... I have been making everyone happy with the mattresses; how could they treat a girl like that?"' 'How did you know they were happy with your mattresses?' Mondy looked at Enif sternly, shouting, 'Everyone is purchasing them! These people are evil; they envy and should rot under the earth.' Enif realized it wasn't the right time, so he asked Mondy if she wanted them to walk her home. Nodding, they walked back silently, hungry and hurt. Enif wasn't sure if he should return to the broken hut or stay nearby because they hadn't reported anything to the city guard. So he sat outside, slept, and placed GenHi between his face and knees.

Mondy was exhausted, in pain, and awoke in the middle of the night, without medication and afraid to go to the doctor. While applying ointment to herself, she noticed some rays of light coming through the window. Curious, she opened the window and discovered a white, shining bubble. After closing the window, she hid, looked at the back door, went outside, and tried to peek from a distance. The bubble was massive, and she could see Enif inside. "Did a slime consume him?" As she approached him, she noticed that some of his wounds had healed and his body had grown slightly larger. "What are you?" Mondy asked herself, whispering. As the adrenaline wore off, the pain returned to her body, and she went back to bed, holding her fear until dawn.

Enif finally awoke and spoke to GenHi. Mondy opened the window again when she heard his voice, but this time Enif greeted her: "Good morning, Mondy! Are you feeling better?" Mondy didn't know what to do; she thought she was seeing a monster, but having a sleepless night made things worse, so they went to the doctor. Enif noticed a guard down the road and offered to report it on her behalf, but Mondy became anxious and declined! I'll tell them myself. Enif was a little scared because he didn't realize what had gotten her so upset. Mondy was given a bandage, ointment, and drugs by the doctor, but Enif, the one with worse bruises, had a cut the night before, no longer had any. When they left the clinic, Mondy walked straight back to her storage.

She unlocked the door and allowed Enif to enter without saying anything. The storage hut was filled with diamond blocks; some were mattresses she sold, while others were simply small blocks. Enif inquired, "How did you get all these? I don't see any port or cargo around us." She responded, "I am supposed to be in my store by this time, but I am letting you in because I trust you. Can you keep a secret?" He assured her that he would not tell those merchants. They then went to the back of the large storage area, where there was a chubby creature resembling GenHi sitting like a king on a small rock.

"This is Bonca, she keeps sucking water and spitting blocks of diamond. I found her a few years ago when I was trying to establish a trade in this city. She didn't really talk to me, but whenever she finds water, she sucks it while making a sound like Bon Bon, goes back to sit on the rock she is on right now, and spits more cubes while saying Ka Ka. So I called her Bonca. Since then, I set up a business and began assisting those here to avoid the extreme heat." After explaining many things to Enif, Bonca was taken to Mondy's house, and they reported everything to the guard.

One of the soldiers recognized Mondy and asked her to follow him into the city hall, "There are a few bruhs looking for you." GenHi came along, and despite the stares he received, no one appeared surprised. When they arrived at City Hall, Enif asked Mondy if there were any other creatures like GenHi and Bonca. Mondy told him, "Of course! Most residents in big cities should know by now. My dad was funding a lot of research to figure them out, and there is a professor whom I work with who has been working with one as well." "What are they?" a bruh appeared and answered, "They are atoms!!! Hi Enif, and you must be Mondy." Enif cried, "Bruh Hano! I have been trying to find you "Enif, before talking about your G.P., there is something I want to tell Mondy." Looking at her, Hano gently requested: "Could you please leave Yzel?" "Why?!" "The economy has been sinking since you came, and we know about your family; you don't really need to be here. Everyone is running away from their work, just sleeping all day long to cool themselves. 3/4 of the businesses have closed down in our town due to the rapidly disappearing economy." Mondy angrily replied, "How is it that it's my fault? Your bruhs buy my mattresses, and they hate the heat. Why am I supposed to leave?" Hano explained: "no one here in town ever approved your solution to the problem, while most bruhs bought your products, the products you sell serve as a means to be dysfunctional in the society. I have been trying to calm many ministers around me, but they have grown hostile toward you. Since your arrival, no programs and initiatives could take off, making everyone feel an idiot and useless civil servant. I am asking you to leave for your own safety, but even if you don't leave, I really hope you can shut down your business. You don't need that money anyway." Mondy went depressed and stopped talking. 

Seeing this, Hano told the guard: "bring Mecha32 here with his thing." A few minutes later, a tiny bruh arrived; he is short but energetic. A guard carries a tube device with columns with him. "Mecha32, my acquaintance, Enif seems to befriend an atom, and you identify GenHi with your device?" Mecha32 replied, "sure bruh, GenHi, would you come and enter this large tube? we won't hurt you." GenHi looked at Enif, but Enif was silent and tilting his head, so GenHi moved forward and entered the tube. On top of the tube, there is a lever to pull, and as soon as Mecha32 pulls it, GenHi's body vanishes, leaving only its hat spinning extremely quickly. Cha Ching, the device shows "1H1.008". Mecha32 exclaimed, "This one! This one! Oh no!!! We've found it!" with big eyes, shocked and excited. As soon as the lever was released, GenHi returned and resumed its position.

"Incredible!, tons of scientists have been seeking to find the atom with 1 atomic number, this is the first time we have seen one!" Mondy was just silently observing, but Enif was utterly confused, "Can you help me understand? I have no knowledge about this matter." "A few decades ago, there were a few bruhs in the mid-continent who found a gel creature with weird hats and abilities. From what we hear, they learned the secret behind this creature after working with them for a few years, but there was a huge incident and all the records and creatures were gone. The news was big, and some surviving scientists abroad who collaborated have some minimum information." Mondy, then started talking with a depressed tone, "yeah, one of those scientists has been helping me, and my dad is funding his work; they noticed that these creatures are a living version of an atomic particle with its personality. And the hat you see is their neutron, proton, and electron." Enif replied: "So... you know all about this, haha, but I don't quite understand what an atom is. Are they like soil or water?" Mecha32: "No, they are particles that build us up, everything in the world, including soil and yourself, is made up of atoms, though we don't understand why an atom can be big like them."

"Bruh Hano, may this have anything to do with G.P.?" Hano replied: "I am not sure, but he met me a couple of times to ask about this machine and the progress I have learned from other kingdoms; it appears to me that he was on a mission to do something big, but he refused to reveal what it was when I asked." So, I thought you might need some education here, and I will assign Mecha32 to assist you if you have any questions.

Enif is unable to process what is going on; it appears that everything is too large and complicated, extending beyond simply finding his G.P. So they left, the irritated one returning to her home, and the overburdened one returning to sleep in the abandoned hut.

1.d The arches

The wind blew the sand; the night was truly unpleasant, but some rare fireflies lit up, celebrating the day with Enif. Perhaps the tragedy has been transferred to Mondy, and Enif has found what he was looking for—a glimpse of a clue. With GenHi next to him, he attempted to communicate, but mostly in one direction.

"Are you really an atom?" Gen Gen

"Where did you come from?" Gen Gen

"Do you know how many of you are on our planet?" Gen Gen

"Do you really understand what I am saying?" Gen Gen

"Can you try writing your name with your laser?" Hi Hi!

GenHi hopped onto Enif, and burned the sand next to them to write GenHi. "OMG, you do understand. Is it your real name? I hit the jackpot in the first guess?" Gen Gen

"Oh my, it's so hard to communicate this way, or perhaps you could keep writing on the ground?" "Gen Gen". "No? Don't you want to? Urghh"

"Thank you, GenHi; I now feel confident that Grandpa is still alive; I had assumed he had disappeared for some reason, but I had no idea how concerned I was, scared that Grandpa had died or that something had gone wrong with him. Bruh Hano told us that G.Pa went there a couple of times to get updates, implying that his disappearance was planned. I'm also relieved that you're not a bad monster; it appears that those in city hall had no fear of you at all."

"Do you think the sky is beautiful today, GenHi? "Oh, I can finally relax."

"When can I eat food like that again? Their chef is amazing, and the fish and beef were delicious. Too bad you don't eat our food. Haha!"

It was the first time Enif had shared his excitement since leaving the village, and he enjoys having GenHi as a companion, and GenHi continues to respond, albeit only with two syllables.

Meanwhile, in the dome-shaped house surrounded by flowers, the occupant felt dead in her bed. She collapsed, awoke several times, and dreamed of a neighboring bruh walking by her store, some smiling, some taking something from her store, and others arriving in large numbers. A few hours earlier, Mondy was shocked, began telling her father with her mini communication device, she was upset, called the surrounding bruhs' names, and attempted to complain to her dead about how despicable this city has become. Her breathing was shallow while she slept, and her teeth grinded. She awoke four times that night.

Enif paid her a visit the next morning, but when he looked through the window, he noticed Mondy was still sleeping on her bed. "Can I come inside? "Are you OK?" Mondy got out of bed, dirty, and opened the door. "You look horrible," he said, clearly concerned about her situation. "Are you closing your store?"

Mondy began rampaging and cursing the people, "I don't believe a word he said, no one came to my store complaining, who are these people trying to kick me out?" Hano is attempting to seize power solely because he is ineffective. He blames everything on me. He shouldn't be the leader there!"

Enif gently replied: "I hadn't been in the city in years, but when I returned three days ago, I realized something was wrong; it appears the community has died. Some of the residents blamed it entirely on your bed. They can no longer run a business because the supply chain has collapsed. As an outsider, I believe the situation is true.

"What do you know?" How hard did I work to build this business over the last year? How many hours did I spend carrying the stupid diamonds from all those huts to the store by myself? How long have I and Bonca worked together, right Bonca?" Bonca was sitting and burping with a flat face, not showing any negative emotion. "Bon Bon" . "Hear that!" Bonca is upset, just like me." "How do you know it is upset, it seems Bonca doesn't really care."

"You are just a newcomer; thank you for your assistance, but get out!"If you hadn't stolen my keys, none of this would have happened!"

Enif went out and slammed the door. Enif returned to the hut, sat down, turned his white hair down, sobbed for 10 minutes, and then got up. GenHi, on the other hand, remained near the house, approaching a window at Mondy's house and firing a light laser at Bonca. Now, Bonca stepped down from her precious rock, climbed a desk, opened the window, and jumped out. Good day, Gen Gen Ca Ca. Hi Hi... GenHi moves forward, merging its body with Bonca, and a flaming gas bursts around them. They transformed into a flying ghost, but 5 seconds later, they split again. "Gen Gen" "Ca Ca" . GenHi walked back to Enif, and Bonca went inside. What just happened?

Enif was getting hungry, so he looked around for some food and water. However, he did not have any money. So he went outside the city again and asked GenHi to shoot some birds, grill them, and eat. He then begged at the market to have his tumbruh refilled. At the very least, he is safe for now. On the way back, he wonders who the professor Mondy mentioned again, and he appears to be interested in seeing this bruh. So he knocked on the door again and asked her.

"Mondy, is it okay if you tell me who the professor you worked with was? "In which district does he live?" "You idiot, he lives far, not in Yzel." "Can you tell me where to go?" "Are you crazy?" It's dangerous out there; go east, and once you find a town, go north; he lives in a cave; people down there should know his name, Professor Wool." Enif thanked her. "Thank you for your help, I think I might as well go there." "So be it, bye!" Enif walked away, but Mondy soon began shouting, "Where are you going, Bonca?" What's with the mini bags you're carrying?" As they got closer, Bonca jumped back onto Mondy, but Mondy wanted to go back, so Bonca jumped off again. "You are getting on my nerves; what do you want?" Let's head back!" But every time she brought Bonca back, she kept returning to GenHi's side. "Wao, even you are now ignoring me! "I cannot believe this." "Screw all of you."

Enif approached, "Mondy, did Bonca ever make a promise to you?" "I have been taking care of (her) all these years!" "Did she ask?" "I carried all that water for her to drink! What are you talking about. "Did you brainwash her?" Irritated, Enif responded, "Could you please stop? Now you're accusing me; I never spoke to Bonca. This is insane. Stop attacking everyone and accept the fact that your bed has harmed this town. Stop using your success and sales as a defense! I'm leaving! "Thank you for everything." So they stayed the night in the filthy hut, but as the night grew darker, Enif asked Bonca if she could spit tons of diamonds to build massive sun roofs to block the sun, so the residents wouldn't have to sleep on the diamond bed anymore. "Bon bon" was her response. "Btw, are you female?" , "Bon Bon" ... "Hmm...."

Bonca suddenly flew while concealing a massive diamond arch. As they ran after her, they noticed Bonca landing near Mondy's store, but before they could reach the market, Bonca began flying back and forth again, creating a massive series of arches that covered half of the town. "Bonca, you're amazing! How did you build such a large arch so quickly? I thought you needed water to produce diamond blocks." After inspecting its foundation next to Mondy's shop, he discovered Mondy's storage huts had been destroyed and emptied. "Oh no... Don't tell me you used all of those to spit the arch?" "Bon Bon" , "Oh God.. have mercy, let me escape before Mondy finds out!" But the residents noticed them, and a gang of tugs banded together to destroy the arch. Enif inquired, "We created them so that all of you could have shade during the day; why are you destroying them?" "Oh, you little mushroom, get off, we are working right now!" and the more Enif protested, the more they brought out a curly dagger and attempted to kill him. The guards have also noticed this and informed the leader. When Enif was discovered fleeing the tugs, Hano directed them to the city hall for safety.

"Enif, what are those?" he inquired. "I thought Mondy's solution for the heat was a bad one for society, so I proposed another one with everyone in mind, and somehow this little atom from Mondy began making them."You can't just build anything you want, the town officials will put you in jail, you don't have any licenses, and they haven't approved such plan." Enif continued with a guilty expression, "But isn't it good for them?"

"Perhaps, but we can't even deal with the bruhs legally, and some of my officials are attempting to imprison Mondy; I've been trying to stop them, but these arches have forced me to make a difficult decision. They will also capture you. "Why don't you leave town with Mondy as soon as possible?"

"I am trying to leave the town tomorrow... wait a second, Bonca, can you devour them again?"

When Enif saw Bonca fall asleep next to GenHi, he apologized and promised to leave town.

"Go find Professor Wool close to the next town," Bruh Hano said, "He might have some clues on your tumbruh."

So Enif left the city in the middle of the night through the back gate. After a mile or two, he noticed someone following them. So they hid for an hour until a girl passed by and said, "Mondy!"

"Gyah, you are scaring me."

"Why are you following us in the middle of the night?"

"You are stealing my Bonca!" How could I let you go, and are you happy being prosecuted by the Yzelers? "Do you feel my pain?"

"No, I admit, I should have proposed the idea to the leaders in the town hall first, I felt bad, but sorry that your hut was destroyed by Bonca?"

"What??? Oh well, I'm thinking of leaving town anyway, so that made it easier."

"So, you are coming with us?"

"Hell no!""I'm just trying to grab Bonca and go back to my hometown."

As she picked Bonca up, he shook his body like a dog drying its fur. "Seems Bonca still doesn't want to stay with you." So they left, with Mondy following from behind, not wanting to lose Bonca. It was around 2am, and everyone was tired, once they ground some large rocks, they slept there.

Around 6 a.m., Bonca awoke to see Enif get up and walk back to Yzel, but GenHi and Mondy were still there, so she stayed behind. The town's ministers met, and the assembly discussed the arches. Hano stepped forward and told them,

"Dear Bruhs, you must be surprised by the arches. Last night, one of our villagers had a conversation with an atom in our village, and because they thought it would be beneficial to reduce the heat, the atom took the initiative to partially cover the sun."

"Do you work with them behind the scenes? Leaders, are you hiding anything?"

"NOOO!, It was me!" Enif exclaimed as he forced his way into the assembly hall. "Dear bruhs, I am responsible for all these, it was my idea that the arches were built, and one of our atomic friends just happened to be helpful."

"Enif, you were not supposed to be here! "This is a private assembly."

Enif responded by saying, "indeed!, but I am the criminal you are looking for, so please don't make things up and blame Bruh Hano, and I am here to apologize in front of you all." He knelt down and begged their forgiveness.!"

An assemblyman spoke up and said, "Fellow assemblymen, this person is not from our town, and he is unaware of the rules. Furthermore, I'd like to remind everyone that just a few minutes before our leader told the entire story, many of us were telling each other how great the arches are, especially since they don't require any bureaucracy or money to build. Why don't we calm down, admit our appreciation, and stop attacking one another?"

They murmured among themselves, and a second defender came forward, followed by a third, who asked, "Who among us would let this arches be and pardon him this time?" Most of the assembly members were afraid of being blamed by the residents who had praised the arches earlier in the morning, so they decided to let it be.

So Enif was released and returned to the gang around 11, but Mondy remained asleep.